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Increase Security & Collaboration with Verta User Management

Building and managing AI is a collaborative process involving stakeholders across multiple teams and functions including data science, engineering, product, risk and governance, and the business. As the number of people involved increases, management of security, compliance, and collaboration not only becomes essential but also becomes more complex. 

For example, businesses building AI must be able to finely control:

  • Who has access to models and their data?
  • Who can publish new models?
  • Who can approve or retire models?
  • Who can deploy the models?
  • Who administers the infrastructure?

And all of these questions must be answered and implemented in the context of existing identity providers for security and to prevent shadow user management.

In order to provide better security and collaboration, we’re excited to announce the release of enhanced user management capabilities in Verta — including a new user management interface and advanced roles and permissions.

Onboard easily with improved organization and team management workflows

In Verta, user management is based on a few key concepts: 

  • Organization or “Org”
  • Workspace
  • Team
  • Team member

Organizations are the top-level organizational structure used by businesses or LOBs (e.g., ACME-Corp, ACME-AI-COE). Each organization brings with it an associated Verta workspace. As part of an organization, a user’s work is contained in the associated workspace. A team is a subset of the members of your organization that can share a single level of access. Our new update improves the Org, team, and member creation and management flows. 

Org admins can create an Org, invite members, set up access controls, create teams, and have full access to all entities created in your organization. We now support the ability to have multiple Org admins to meet the needs of growing teams and also to avoid a single point of failure.



Apply stricter enterprise policies with admin-controlled Org baseline permission 

With this feature, an Org admin can set a default permission level for entities within the org that applies to all the organization members. Every company has different policies and hence we have created a comprehensive set of permissions to choose from - Private, Read-Only, Write, and Entity Admin. In addition, there are more advanced permissions that the Org admin can apply at an Org level. 

This new feature makes controlling permissions much easier and faster.



Assign different user roles and permissions to optimize for security and productivity

We are now providing a comprehensive set of roles and permissions to meet the needs of complex security policies and at the same time enhancing collaboration and productivity for teams and individuals.

Org admin role provides full access to the Organization and all the entities. Multiple Org admins support is available to manage larger teams. Individuals and teams can be Entity admins with full access to specific entities (read, write, delete, invite collaborators, deploy, predict endpoint). Every team created within an organization will have an owner and team members. Additionally, individuals and teams can be invited as collaborators to specific entities with assigned permission.

Let entity admins invite collaborators with granular access control 

With Verta’s end-to-end platform, you can create different entities to help you track experiments, register models for release, deploy and monitor endpoints. These entities include datasets, projects (experiment runs), registered models, endpoints, and monitored entities. In your company, different teams and user groups may own different entity types and invite other teams to collaborate. Hence we have built a very granular RBAC system to support customizable access control.

Each entity inherits the org baseline permissions set by the org admin. Additionally, you can invite collaborators (both internal org members and external users) by clicking the settings tab for the entity. You can now add individuals and teams as entity admins who have full access to that entity that includes read, write, delete, deploy, predict and manage collaborators and other entity admins.

Every entity type comes with its own granular permission setting. Learn more about it here.



SSO support and integrations with your enterprise IdPs 

Verta supports a wide range of enterprise Single Sign-On providers including Microsoft Azure AD, Auth0, and Okta. Our SAML-based integration eliminates the need for a shadow IT infrastructure and reduces the burden on IT when provisioning and de-provisioning users as everything can happen from a centralized system. In addition to being critical for security and compliance reasons, SSO makes it easier for the users to access Verta applications and avoid managing multiple passwords.

Leverage Verta User Management in your organization

All these features are now available for our enterprise customers. Navigate to your Verta instance to configure your access control. For a deeper dive into Verta’s collaboration and user management capabilities check out the additional resources below.

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